Becoming a writer ;)

Growing up around Southern Africa as a white female was an incredible journey, and something I love sharing with people who want to know more. As soon as I mention to someone new that I'm from Africa - the bush - they laugh, and with eyes-wide-open always ask the same question: "but you're so white!" I used to laugh at the ignorance. The next assumption being I'm from South Africa.. no, I'm proudly Zimbabwean, from Harare - the capital, and a city in the 'bush', yes.

My path in life so far has taken me to incredible places and I've lived through adventures most can only imagine! I'll be writing about many of those :)

Overtime, my main priority became raising my son and making damn sure he has access to the education and life I never did. Through it all, 3 things have always stuck with me:

- Art, both drawing and painting!

- I love writing, but never took it further than editing/correcting for others works. Until now ;)

- I love helping people. I'm someone who will easily sit with a homeless person and try figure out why or how they got there and what we could do to get them out of their position...

That's me in a nutshell.



Medium member since March 2024
Editor of African Stories